Analytical & Advisory Services Division

Quality Management Section

About the Section

The Section provides comprehensive quality and environmental management to the Division of the Government Laboratory as well as organizes a wide range of inter-laboratory comparison programmes.

Accreditation Certificates

Accreditation Certificate (Click to magnify)


The key roles of the Section are to maintain the quality management and environmental management systems of the Division in accordance with the requirements stipulated in ISO 17025 and ISO 14001 respectively in order to ensure the provision of highest attainable quality analytical and advisory services to our clients. The core responsibilities include:

  1. To overview the implementation and planning of the quality and environmental systems
  2. To establish the Quality Assurance Working Group and the Environmental Management System Working Group to uphold quality matters and toconduct annual internal audit within the Division
  3. To arrange regularly training on the quality and environmental systems, and internal auditing
  4. To coordinate intra-laboratory testing programmes to all sections for verifying their testing capabilities
  5. To provide central calibration services of testing instruments
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